Kraken Under Fire For Horrible Up-time and Trading Failures

/u/BlackBeltBob nailed it.
The memes are out in full effect lately, bashing, one of the regulated crypto to USD exchanges that serves US traders.
The “Kraken Engineers“.
We’ve experienced it first hand.
You will put in an order and hit ‘submit’.
Kraken trading engine will churn for anywhere from 5-20 seconds and then a ‘red bar’ appears at the top.
At this point, traders have no clue if their order is actually on the order books or not.
It’s time to refresh the orders page and see.
The refresh of the page works about 50% of the time.
Sometimes the order will be there in open orders. Sometimes not.
If not, you get to repeat this process again.
This is again about 30% likely to work successfully. In addition on the times it does work the previous order you thought didn’t place actually did.
Now you’ve done double orders. Hope that’s cool.
Seriously Kraken, get your shit together.
You are making Coinbase / GDAX look good here.