
Best bitcoin wallet guideBitcoin wallets come in many shapes and sizes. This guide shows you how to choose the best bitcoin wallet for you, how to secure your bitcoin and how to find the best btc wallet for you.

My Best Bitcoin Wallet Options

  • Trezor – (paid) A secure hardware wallet. The Trezor is great if you plan to hold your bitcoin securely for the long time frame. It connects via USB cable to your computer and also has a google chrome desktop interface that works in conjunction with the hardware to securely manage your bitcoin. You get your seed keys (private keys) from the device itself. Write these down.
  • ColdCard.com – extremely secure, if a bit more advanced and technical than the Trezor.
  • Ledger – (paid) – a secure hardware wallet and desktop interface called Ledger live. This is a top choice for ease of use and experience and time in the market. I recommend the Nano for people who only want to store Bitcoin and Ethereum and the Nano X if you want to store a wide variety of other crypto coins.
  • Coinbase.com – (free) and probably the most ‘newbie’ friendly place to get set up with a bitcoin wallet, buy bitcoin and be able to send bitcoin to any address in the world (just don’t send it to an online casino or site that breaks coinbase’s terms or service). It’s fast, easy and secure and highly recommended for people who are new or just now getting into their first bitcoin. It is hard to go too wrong with Coinbase. They are the largest USA exchange and they have a built in wallet you can manage your bitcoin with. I do recommend eventually moving your bitcoin out of the coinbase wallet and into a personal hardware wallet or at a trusted site where you can earn interest on your crypto if you so wish.
  • Blockstream Green – (free) an app that allows you to receive and send bitcoin. It’s open source, you own your private keys and is has built in security features that keep this wallet safe. I recommend this wallet as your phone ‘hot-wallet’ where you keep bitcoin you plan on spending or sending somewhere, but not where you keep your entire bitcoin stash that you plan to hold for a long time. wallet you can access from anywhere. Includes unique security and privacy features.
  • BreadWallet – (free) a free online wallet that is simple to use and works everywhere.
  • Electrum.org – (free) This is an opensource desktop client that lets you quickly and easily create a wallet on your computer to generate bitcoin addresses and receive and send bitcoin.

Wallets come in:

  • iOs Wallets
  • Android Wallets
  • Windows Wallets
  • Desktop Wallets
  • Hardware Wallets
  • Open source Wallets
  • Free wallets

iOs Wallets



Hardware Wallet

Securing Your Bitcoin

I highly recommend getting a hardware wallet if you keep any significant balance in bitcoin. I personally use and like the Trezor. It is easy, simple to use and extremely secure. If you are holding bitcoin then do yourself a favor and get a hardware wallet.